Writing a new story for men.

Jack gives men a voice by sharing his feelings and his story.

Jack wants men to feel seen, heard and not alone.

Jack is you, me, all of us.

Jack is sharing his journal entries with us.

Jack wants to talk to you and share your stories too.

Author Your Journey

Jack writes in his journal every week, sharing his thoughts, feelings and life events with us. He gives voice to the male experience, writing about his relationships, sex, drugs, work, money, nights out and the gym.

Jack is a platform to share men's experiences of the world. Not all men feel like they can say what they think or feel, Jack can. Tell Jack your stories, your thoughts, fears, funny anecdotes, silly chat and top banter.

Click on 'Talk to Jack' and one of your stories might find it's way into his journal.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Can't believe i've been persuaded to actually publish these... oh well. I know I need to. I know it's worth it. I know that men need it. So if it has to be me I'll do it. It's that first line though... 'Operation get fit, get rich and get a gf.' - so cringe. I suppose that's where I was back then. That was me. I'm still Jack, just different now."


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Jack is going to share his journal with us soon, but before he does he'd like to stay in touch with the men that are interested in reading it. If you sign up below, Jack will email you every now and again with updates.

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The Author

James Routledge is a writer and entrepreneur. He founded Sanctus in 2016 and has been part of the mental health movement in the UK. He's the author of 'Mental Health at Work' published by Penguin.

Jack the Lad is his first fiction novel.

"I want Jack to provide a new narrative for men. I want to tell an honest story that I feel represents the reality of male life and I believe we need a new character and role model to embody us. I don't believe the majority of men are being accurately represented in media and I want to shine a light on men in a way that allows men to be understood and understand themselves in a fresh way"

- James x

A photo of the Author, James Routledge standing in Shoreditch with sunglasses on.